Zombie Apocalypse 101: Outwit the Undead Without Losing Your Head

By Sheil Mody and Vincent Yang

The concept of a zombie apocalypse, popularized by various movies, TV shows, and books, has captivated the imaginations of many. While a zombie apocalypse may seem like an event that only occurs in fiction, being prepared with a survival strategy for such an event can be a valuable skill. Not only does one have to consider methods of vanquishing the numerous hordes of undead, but one also must develop methods to obtain and manage resources and personnel to ensure long-term survival. How would one go about building a fortress that will not be penetrated by any pesky zeds, or attempt to ration limited resources such as food and water? In order to thoroughly prepare a reader for the cataclysmic event of a zombie apocalypse, we have composed a comprehensive article detailing the best strategies and tactics that will bear the highest likelihood of survival in case an outbreak ever occurs.

The first thing to consider is preparation. No matter how well-versed one is at staving off attacks, it is meaningless without sufficient supplies. Thus, being well prepared should be the highest priority: it is imperative to have a stockpile of food, water, first aid supplies, clothing, tools, and communication devices to make it through Day 1 of a zombie apocalypse. It is especially important to secure a steady food supply. While it would be ideal to have some sort of farm, such as an emergency garden or a hydroponics/aquaponics system, these food sources take time to begin production, making it exceptionally necessary to stock up on non-perishable comestibles such as canned or dried food items. These foods that have a long shelf life can sustain one through the initial stages of the apocalypse before one is able to produce food on their own. However, long-lasting foods cannot sustain life for more than a few years, and assuming that this apocalypse has no foreseeable end, a farm is necessary for long-term survival. Building a farm should then be the main goal for survival since the crops can endure harsh weather, and canned foods should be stored as a backup. A water supply, needed to both maintain food production and hydrate the survivors, is the most coveted yet most scarce ration in a post-apocalyptic world, so creating an efficient filter method to reuse waste water or locating nearby water sources is an absolute must.

Establishing a safe haven is also one of the vital steps in ensuring survival in a zombie apocalypse. Humans need rest, and it is not a wise idea to inhabit areas that the undead can easily access. Thus, one should select a location that is either difficult to encroach or well-defended; for example, one could fortify their house by building barricades that a zombie wouldn’t be able to surmount to minimize the need to engage in combat with them. One thing many people ignore when selecting a living area in a zombie apocalypse is how easy it would be to leave in the case of an emergency. Having a contingency plan ready in case things go wrong ensures safety—if there’s one thing zombie movies have taught us, anything can go wrong at any moment. In the case of a breach, an emergency evacuation plan that has been well thought out and drilled will surely be a boon. Due to this reason, several types of shelters are not optimal for a zombie apocalypse scenario, such as an underground bunker or the top of an apartment complex due to the difficulty of safely vacating these areas.

No matter how independent one considers themselves, surviving alone in a zombie apocalypse is a near-impossible task. The lack of manpower will severely limit one’s capacity to gather resources and fight off zombies. Therefore, living in a group will greatly improve one’s odds of surviving. Recruiting people with useful skills such as medical knowledge or combat prowess is a good bet, and to maximize productivity and limit conflict, it is critical to create an organized structure and maintain clear lines of communication. Assigning specific people to specific jobs will limit redundant actions, and effective communication will help groups react more quickly and decisively in times of crisis. Maintaining morale and mental health in such a dismal situation will also be challenging, so having effective leaders and prioritizing emotional support is also salient. Moreover, a zombie apocalypse may feature interactions with other survival groups. Avoiding conflicts with these other groups is key, as resources wasted on squabbling with other humans will be sorely missed when the need to deal with a massive horde of undead arises.

There are three major factors that come into play when surviving a zombie apocalypse: resource management, defense, and teamwork. Each factor plays a major role in the outcome of this tragedy and can determine whether one’s group survives or falls victim to the undead. Managing resources, building a safe haven, and working together can help one live life to its fullest possible extent under these circumstances.