Unexpected Ways to Find Happiness

By Joleen Pan and Amanda Wu

2022 has been a year full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and of course, a year full of all sorts of memories. But no matter what happens with work or with school, it is always important to focus on one’s mental health and happiness! As weird as it sounds, research has shown that being content is an essential aspect of everyone’s life. Contentment can lead to better relationships and more appreciation for the small things in our lives. In this article, we will present methods to make your day happier little by little.

1. Keep a diary:

Keeping a diary and rereading what you wrote in previous entries has been proven to lift your mood instantaneously. Write about everything, even the mundane things, because this allows you to find gratitude and joy in your everyday life. Researchers who did several experiments found that “ordinary events came to be perceived as more extraordinary over time” since the participants learned more about their past selves through older writings. Personally, keeping a diary which I update about once a week has allowed me to learn more about myself and my passions. I especially enjoy reading what I wrote as a child because it brings back memories of all those small moments I had in elementary school. You never know when the activities you are describing could bring the joy you never expected!

2. Interact with a stranger:

Engaging in small talk with strangers can make both your day and their day a little bit brighter. Researches suggest that any interactions with strangers – a smile, a brief moment of eye contact, a small conversation – have the effect of establishing a sense of belonging with someone. Customers who have interactions with their baristas left Starbucks in a better mood. By expressing yourself to strangers, you form a connection with them, and could potentially become friends in the future. But keep in mind: stranger danger.

3.Listen to sad songs:

Bottled-up emotions can greatly affect your mental state. One way to release those emotions is to, ironically, listen to sad music. “Listening to sad music can lead to beneficial emotional effects such as regulation of negative emotion and mood as well as consolation”, allowing you to connect with the feelings expressed in the music and release negative emotions. From time to time, you might release your emotions through the act of crying, which can be a healthy way for you to release bottled-up emotions to reduce stress and sadness. Although listening to sad songs is a way to improve your mood, depressing music can be overwhelming and can be detrimental to mental health. Thus, it’s important to find music that will bring you positive emotions.

4. Spend money on experiences, not items:

Experiences provide opportunities for personal growth and lasting memories. Different experiences can allow you to step outside of your comfort zones, discover new things, and build new friendships, which can all lead to a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Not only will experiences bring a chance to improve ourselves in different environments, but it will also create lifelong memories, whereas material possessions might lose their value over time.

5. Look at beautiful things:

Research done by the smartphone company HTC demonstrated that looking at beautiful objects can make someone feel happier. They found out that looking at objects that are well-designed and functional triggers positive emotions such as calmness and ease. You can always try visiting an art museum or a science museum that allows you to interact with different simulations. You can also visit places known for their beautiful scenery! We would recommend climbing Mission Peak while enjoying the stunning view and taking memorable pictures.

6. Lunch on the beach:

According to a British study from the University of Sussex, if you eat at your desk, your happiness index score decreases significantly. This is because everything we do in our daily lives, such as doing homework or working, involves sitting at a table in a serious and boring manner. Imagine yourself eating your favorite meal while watching the waves of the ocean moving back and forth and breathing in the fresh air of the sea. Even better, go with your friends or family!

7. Play video games:

Playing video games has been proven to lift people’s moods. When researchers polled casual gamers, 67 percent reported that video game playing decreased their depression, and increased their well-being and social functioning. We personally agree with this because whenever we used to play Super Mario Brothers and Minecraft as a child, we remember laughing and enjoying our time, especially when we played with our friends. Even though we were absolutely terrible and never got first place once, we found joy in doing something that allowed us to relax and take life in a more carefree manner.

We hope that this article provided everybody with some ideas about ways to find joy in your life. No matter how hard life can be, finding happiness is always important. As students, we often sacrifice our happiness for excessive studying. Try one of these ideas; you never know when you will find it helpful!