A Win For The Starbucks Menu

By Heeya Das and Joleen Pan

Two issues ago, we ranked the Starbucks Fall Menu, with the Pumpkin Spice Latte taking the top spot among all the drinks. Since then, the holiday spirit has taken over many Starbucks stores across the nation. In this issue, we rate the winter drinks, which came out on November 3rd. The drinks on the winter menu can be ordered hot or cold, but we recommend getting a seasonal hot drink. We hope that reading these reviews will help BASIS students decide which drinks to get at Starbucks the next time they visit. P.S. We did not try the Irish Cold Brew since Heeya nearly cried when she drank the cold brew for our last review.

Peppermint Mocha: 10/10

Joleen: It was a cold, gloomy winter day. Outside, freezing raindrops fell from the sky at high speeds. Meanwhile, young Joleen Pan realized that she had forgotten her lunch at home. Shoot, she thought. I have to go to Starbucks to buy a sandwich, or else I will starve to death by the end of the day. That day marked the first day in her life when she tried the Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks. She still remembers the way the drink tasted like a mix of hot chocolate and mint in her mouth and the way the whipped cream melted perfectly as she stirred it into her drink. In fact, the drink lifted her ailing mood so much that she was able to walk back to the school without an umbrella in near-hailing weather. If you are craving a minty drink or a drink like hot chocolate, or if you are simply feeling cold and thirsty, then Joleen recommends nothing other than the Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks.

Caramel Brulée Latte: 7/10

Heeya: When I think of caramel brulée, I tend to think of caramel bits that have been heated up at the end with a culinary torch, smelling like Christmas-y and sugary goodness. This drink managed to attend to half its expectations. While warm and toasty, the drink retained its caramel flavor and had a pleasant aftertaste that is uncommon with caffeinated drinks. However, the drink did not stand out in any other way. I felt as though this drink was one I had visited many times prior. Much like the school’s green lunch, this drink was boring, uninteresting, and awfully repetitive.

Toasted White Chocolate Mocha: 7/10

Joleen: Do you hate mints or cry at the sight of dark chocolate? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, this drink is the perfect winter drink for you. Released first in the November of 2017, this mocha is the second of its kind in the Winter Menu series. Known for its rich, creamy flavor, the Toasted White Chocolate Mocha is perfect for the taste buds of anyone who wants a sweeter and more vanilla-y alternative to the Peppermint Mocha. Although they are both Mochas, the Toasted White Chocolate Mocha tastes like hot chocolate melted with Ghirardelli white chocolate. Add some whipped cream to make this awesome drink taste even more magical.

Iced Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte: 6/10

Heeya: Starting off, this icy drink immediately gave me shivers (not the good kind) and made me wish I had chosen a hot chocolate instead. However, the sweetness of the drink made up for its distasteful temperature. Along with the drink’s moderate dose of caffeine, the sugary sweetness lifted my mood along. This drink is perfect for anyone who feels like being a frosty snowman that a family of three designed and crafted on their first Christmas together. Imperfect, but worth the memories.

Chestnut Praline Latte: 4/10

Heeya: Over Thanksgiving Break, my mother and I started a custom where we went to get a pastry and a cup of coffee at Starbucks every morning at 7 am. This custom largely improved my mood and left me energized for the day. On the first day, I decided to stray from my usual order in favor of trying out a few flavors of the new Winter Menu. Needless to say, I did not continue this trend. The flavor of the Chestnut Praline Latte, while not bad, was nothing to write home about. Tasting vaguely like walnuts, the drink had little to offer besides the caffeine and warmth. The bland coffee-like taste was not covered by the usual syrupy flavors that are added, leaving the drink to be quite boring, with much to desire for, and akin to a diluted espresso shot.