Turmoil in Britain

By Krish Mangrolia, Ryan Liu, and Ariana Yi

Recently, Britain and its economy have suffered in the hands of a few previous Prime Ministers. After the resignation of Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of Britain from 2019-2022, and the controversial departure of Liz Truss from the Ministry, the country has been on course for complete disarray. The nation must carefully consider their actions in order to restore control over its economy and reclaim its former status. In order to prevent history from repeating itself, Britain must make sure that Rishi Sunak, the new Prime Minister of Britain, will implement both constructive and practical policies.


The Prime Minister (or PM) is the most senior and influential official in the British government. This position has been the root cause of the confusion and turmoil surrounding Britain recently. Prior to September 6, 2022, Boris Johnson had served as the Prime Minister of Britain for three years. He was often scrutinized for his work and was a controversial Prime Minister due to various well-known scandals. Examples include “Partygate” during COVID, where he attended unmasked gatherings in violation of his own strict lockdown orders, and several sexual harassment allegations. These scandals, along with his bizarre behavior in the office, inevitably led to his resignation. For example, his distinctive opinion on Brexit sparked much controversy about him. Brexit, the increasingly unpopular British withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, was a hotly debated topic at the time and a sign of Johnson’s overall controversiality. Therefore, as these concerns piled up, many felt his resignation from the position was necessary.

His resignation only marked the beginning of Britain’s problems. When Liz Truss assumed the office of Prime Minister, many thought it would be the beginning of a new, rejuvenated era for the British government. However, she quickly became infamous. Her hand was forced into resignation after a record-low of only six weeks in office. This shocking event was the opposite of the British government’s goals and sent the country further into its downward spiral.

The new and current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has not evaded scrutiny either. His Indian heritage — a minority ethnicity in Britain — is said to be his defining characteristic; he is the first Asian Prime Minister in the country’s history. Interesting comparisons have also been made regarding the British rule of India around 100 years ago, and how, per NDTV, “History comes full circle in Britain.” Many have doubted the current PM because of his ethnicity as well as the general agitation over the position. As Smita Bhat said in a voting poll on The Guardian, “Rishi Sunak was the best of a bad bunch,” reflecting the opinions of many British citizens about the political figure.


As mentioned above, criticism has been leveled at every Prime Minister, including Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak for various reasons. Liz Truss especially was noted as the main problem by the majority of British citizens. Let’s dive deeper into the problems regarding her and her 6-week tenure.
Truss was undoubtedly a highly disliked PM. After Boris Johnson resigned, Truss was supposed to be a sign of changing times. The main problem Truss had to address was the economic state of the country because Britain, along with the world, was plunging into a recession, highlighted by terribly high inflation rates. However, her tenure was defined by her economic deals, and not in a good way. Truss’ signature economic plans immediately worsened things for the country; her proposals for tax cuts, borrowing, and noninterference sank the value of the British pound. She was forced to repeal all of her laws, including reversing all tax reductions. She had created absolute chaos amidst this financial struggle, and was compelled to resign from the position.
But why did this issue even arise? Why has there been such controversy regarding the recent British Prime Ministers? Well, some have blamed the unique way the country elects its new Prime Ministers upon the resignation of the previous one. The typical format for election of Prime Ministers is a general election after a prime minister’s customary 5-year tenure, there is a general election. . However, since Johnson resigned before his term ended, the new Prime Minister was elected based on the winner of the majority party, instead of being elected by a general election. Liz Truss also resigned before her term ended, leaving the position to Sunak who was also elected through the same system.


After this carousel of Prime Ministers, many, especially British citizens, are left wondering how the country will regain internal poise and stability. The main element that Britain must account for is Rishi Sunak’s decision-making. With regards to the economic and political situation in Britain, Sunak is in a difficult position and must make the right choices to reverse the failed fiscal plans enacted by Liz Truss. Sunak also has to deal with a rebellious Scotland, threatening to secede after Truss’s tenure, and the royal family’s conflicted feelings following the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. Globally, the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war and global economic inflation are also present. Factor in the economic repercussions of Brexit in 2020, along with the severed connections with the EU, and Sunak has a tall task to conquer. The quick actions taken to address these issues will ultimately determine the long-term state of Britain. If Rishi Sunak can hold onto his position for a longer term, it is more likely that he will be able to effectively work on tackling these problems. If Britain is able to handle these issues, it can focus on rebuilding its economy, and regain its position as a global superpower. Every political leader has their own set of difficulties to overcome, and Sunak is clearly no exception. However, impactful leaders are defined by how they deal with these problems, along with their tenacity and creativity in problem-solving. Sunak will need decisiveness and perseverance in order to guide Britain from its current position to one of success and dominance. Following these tragic and unfortunate occurrences, Britain will need to make wise decisions as to its next steps, and take appropriate steps to protect its future from both internal and external hardships.