Advice Column

By Alicia Peng, Alan Xiao, and Ryan Li

I really like someone, and they like me back, but I don't know what to do next. We talk to each other a fair amount, but I'm not really sure what the next step is. Please help me :)

Alan: You two should decide if you are comfortable dating and if that is something you want to do. If not, you can still be happy with being their friend and sharing memories with them. There is no correct next step; it is up to whatever you two decide is best and what you are comfortable with. If you do decide that you want a relationship, it’s best to take things slow and not to rush. Make sure you communicate and you’re both on the same page, remember to take things one day at a time, and most of all, have fun and don’t stress over it! You got this!

All my friends are in relationships and I'm not in one. I feel left out constantly and don't know what to do. Should I tell them how I feel and potentially ruin their relationships or stay silent and drown in my own misery?

Alan: You should definitely communicate to your friends that you want to feel more included or if you’re uncomfortable with the situation. Don’t worry, it is break up season and it's just the start of the year; things will change, and you can still be happy with your friends! Relationships are just more advanced friendships and all our friends have other friends. It doesn’t take away from the time we get with them; and if it does, you should communicate with your friends that you feel left out and ignored. Communication is key. And a relationship isn't that cool or special, it's just a more committed friendship, the same way people have best friends and commit to them — best friends are often more committed than those in relationships.

11th graders, how do we succeed in APUSH/Gov?

Alicia: Like any other AP Course, you need to practice and practice. Dr. Winslow usually finishes teaching the bulk of the material before March, and that’s when you must start doing practice tests and reviewing material! Carey Lamanna and Heimler’s History have amazing review videos that go over everything you need for the AP. And at the end of the day, everything is just a matter of confidence and manifestation. Visualize yourself doing well on the exam, practice, and naturally, you will do well! Good luck friends!

How do you stop letting people get to you when they tell you you can't do certain things based on patterns from your past?

Alicia: The past makes up the present, and when the present becomes the past, you enter the present’s future. That didn’t make much sense, but I emphasize with you. It’s so difficult to erase the past version of yourself from the minds of your peers, teachers, and parents. It can be very frustrating when you’re trying to change and become better while others continue to hold your past actions against you. But at the end of the day, those experiences shaped you into the person you are today, and you need to remember that people change. If you persist and show everyone your growth, they will replace their old conceptions with the new version of yourself.

How do I confront a friend that's been really rude lately?

Ryan: Communication is really important, and being able to confront your friend is vital to a healthy, lasting friendship. Since they are your friend, make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt. They may be going through something that you don’t know about. There are a lot of ways to tell your friend based on how you think they will react: you can say it playfully and see if they pick up the hint, you can express your discontent each time they treat you badly, or you can pull them aside and have a serious conversation. Make sure to stay calm while talking through it, because being angry doesn’t help resolve the situation and only makes it worse. Friends sometimes don’t realize what they are doing is wrong, and letting them know will not only make them a better person but also strengthen your relationship.

What time should I sleep?

Ryan: Sleep is very important for proper function during the day. Getting sufficient sleep allows you to work more efficiently and perform your best on tests and quizzes. Some people may think that staying up very late to do work allows them to get more done, but this causes you to feel more sleepy the next day. You will perform worse on tests and quizzes and do your assignments slower. Thus, any time saved will be negated. After a certain threshold, extra sleep will not boost productivity. Most people probably operate at the same productivity whether they get 10 hours of sleep or 7 hours of sleep. Most sources would recommend 7-10 hours for teens, but it is important to find how much sleep you individually require.